Pricing if you have Insurance

Answer these 3 questions, and our practice manager will reply within 1 business day with your rates.

  • Whether you are in network or out of network, you will receive an email from us detailing your benefits plan, including deductible, co-pay and co-insurance, prior to your first appointment.

    We make your life easier because we will handle communicating with your insurance so you don’t have to. And we will keep your out-of-pocket costs to a minimum. Yay!


The fees below represent fees for out of network and cash paying clients. If you have in-network insurance, your fee, whether it is a co-pay, co-insurance or deductible, will be based on your specific insurance package. For more details regarding insurance, please see the Insurance section above.

Individual Psychotherapy

The cost for our individual initial consultation is $150. After your initial consultation, our fee range is $100-$250 per session.

Couple and Family Therapy

The cost for our couple and family initial consultation is $175. After your initial consultation, our fee range for couples and family therapy is $150-$250 per session.

Group Therapy

The cost for our group therapy initial consultation is $75. Our fee range is $50-$75. Fees for groups are announced prior to the beginning of a group.

Receipts and any paperwork necessary for claim processing is provided. You may contact our practice billing manager directly for all needed paperwork at


Payment is expected at each appointment. We accept cash, personal checks and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard and American Express). You can pay by credit card in the office or by using PayPal here.