Matthew Pieknik, LCSW, MA
Matthew Pieknik, LCSW, MA, is a New York State Licensed Clinical Social Worker, practicing psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in New York City. He obtained his Master’s in Social Work from New York University, and his Master’s of Arts in Psychoanalytic Theory and Literature from SUNY Buffalo. Previously a staff therapist with MTZ Counseling, Mr. Pieknik is currently a clinical supervisor for graduate psychotherapy interns.
Mr. Pieknik has trained at the Freudian School of Quebec, and continues ongoing research into theory and clinical practice via Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association. His therapeutic approach focuses on identifying and working through unconscious dynamics that inhibit growth. Mr. Pieknik helps patients cultivate their creative internal resources to live fuller, more satisfying lives. He enjoys working with many types of patients, but particularly enjoys working with LGBTQIA+ individuals and couples.